
Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national, regional and global developmental needs which are reflected in Programme Outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and Course Outcomes (COs) of the various Programmes offered by the Institution.pdf


Structured feedback and review of the syllabus (semester-wise / year-wise) is obtained from 1) Students 2) Teachers 3) Employers and 4) Alumni.pdf


The feedback system of the Institution .pdf


The institution assesses students’ learning levels and organises special programmes for both slow and advanced learners.pdf


Student-centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem-solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences:.pdf


Teachers use ICT-enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning.pdf


IT integration and reforms in the examination procedures and processes including Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) have brought in considerable improvement in the Examination Management System (EMS) of the Institution.pdf


Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on the website and communicated to teachers and students.pdf


Attainment of Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes as evaluated by the institution.pdf


Pass Percentage of students.pdf


Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire). Results and details need to be provided as a weblink.pdf


Number of teachers having research projects during the year.pdf



Number of departments having research projects funded by Government and Non-Government agencies during the year.pdf



Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and creation and transfer of knowledge supported by dedicated centres for research, entrepreneurship, community orientation, incubation, etc..pdf



Number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published per teacher during the year.pdf



Extension activities carried out in the neighbourhood sensitising students to social issues for their holistic development, and the impact thereof during the year.pdf



The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teachinglearning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.pdf



The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teachinglearning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.pdf



Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS).pdf



Institution has an IT policy covering Wi-Fi, cyber security, etc. and has allocated budget for updating its IT facilities.pdf



Institution has facilities for econtent development: Facilities available for e-content development Media Centre Audio-Visual Centre Lecture Capturing System (LCS) Mixing equipment and software for editing.pdf



There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – classrooms, laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, etc.pdf



The following Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capabilities Soft Skills Language and Communication Skills Life Skills (Yoga, Physical fitness, Health and Hygiene) Awareness of Trends in Technology.pdf


Presence of an active Student Council and representation of students in academic and administrative bodies/committees of the institution.pdf


The Alumni Association and its Chapters (registered and functional) contribute significantly to the development of the institution through financial and other support services.pdf


The governance of the institution is reflective of an effective leadership in tune with the vision and mission of the Institution.pdf


Effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.pdf


The institutional Strategic/ Perspective plan has been clearly articulated and implemented.pdf


The functioning of the various institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from the policies, administrative set-up, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.

1) Organogram
2) Functioning of the various institutional bodies


The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff and avenues for their career development/ progression.pdf


Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly.pdf


Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources.pdf


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing quality assurance strategies and processes visible in terms of incremental improvements made during the preceding year with regard to quality (in case of the First Cycle): Incremental improvements made during the preceding year with regard to quality and post-accreditation quality initiatives (Second and subsequent cycles).pdf


The institution reviews its teaching-learning process, structures and methodologies of operation and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through its IQAC as per norms.pdf


Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include Regular meeting of the IQAC Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvement of the institution Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) Participation in NIRF Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (such as ISO Certification).pdf


Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year.pdf


Provide the weblink on the Institutional website regarding the Best Practices as per the prescribed format of NAAC.pdf


Highlight the performance of the institution in an area distinct to its priority and thrust (within a maximum of 200 words).pdf