The M. Com Programme (Self Financed)
M.Com course is offered in English medium which offers specialization subject as Advance Accounting. The two-year postgraduate degree program affiliated to Sardar Patel University attempts to cover all relevant aspects of academics and commerce in a highly pragmatic manner. The classroom learning is enriched by various case studies, management games, seminar presentations, group discussions, interaction with practicing managers, e-commerce professionals, etc.
The candidate should be eligible for admission as per Sardar Patel University. Candidate who has passed Bachelor’s degree in Commerce / Management / Equivalent under 10+2+3. Admission procedure is through online mode which is centralized system of Sardar Patel University. In all, a student learns 20 subjects during two years earning 100 credits.
Students are expected to maintain punctuality and sincerity in attending classes as it would enable them to build a reservoir of knowledge and facilitate their academic growth. The College has its own set of regulations for attendance which are to be observed strictly by the students.
- 1. The fees and charges should be paid in cash only.
- 2. All amounts should be paid in Account Section of the college office and proper receipt should be obtained and preserved. The Account Section works from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on all week days.
Evaluation would be done on the basis of Internal Test Examinations conducted by the college during the Semester and the University Examination conducted at the end of the term as per the rules of the University for the Choice Based Credit System. In addition, overall performance of students in Class, Assignments, Attendance, and Contribution to Extra-Curricular Activities etc. would be taken into consideration.
Address: Nr. N S Patel Circle, Bhalej Road, Anand – 388001
Contact: (02692) 250 710
Email: cpcollege.anand@gmail.com

Dr.Nital Soni
Head of the Department

Ms.Hetal lavantra
Assistant Professor

Ms.Manali Panjabi
Assistant Professor