- (1) B.Com – College First in University Examination Late Shri Chaturbhai Prabhudasbhai Patel Medal.
- (2) SYB.Com – College First in University Examination Cash Award by Shri Ambalal Zaverbhai Patel of Agas.
- (3) FYB.Com – College First in University Examination Cash Award by Late Shri Himmatbhai Jashbhai Patel from Dahiben Jashbhai Patel Education Society, Anand.
Candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination Std XII (Any Stream) conducted by Gujarat Secondary Education Board or its equivalent, with English may apply.
- (1) English and
- (2) Business Organization, Elements of Accountancy (Any One) and
- (3) Business Mathematics, Economics, Statistics (Any One)
Selection will be based upon academic performance in the previous examination. The decision of the college authority in respect of admission shall be final and binding.
Application forms duly completed should be submitted with original and attested xerox copies of the following:
(i) Mark sheets of SSC and HSC Examinations
(ii) School Leaving Certificate and
(iii) Passport size Photograph (Nos 3)
Evaluation would be done on the basis of Internal Test Examinations conducted by the college during the Semester, and the University Examination conducted at the end of the Semester as per the rules of the University for the Choice Based Credit System. In addition, over all performance of students in class, Assignments, Attendance, Contribution to Extracurricular Activities, etc. would be taken into consideration.
- As per the directives of the Govt of Gujarat, a student should enrol himself/herself for at least one of the following Dharas :
- (1) Knowledge Band
- (2) Creative Expression Band
- (3) Fine Arts Band
- (4) Theatre Band
- (5) Music and Dance Band
- (6) Yoga and Sports Band
- (7) Community / Social Service Band
B.Com (GIA) Team

Dr. R D Modi

Dr. S M Pillai
Assistant professor

Dr. H J Padiya
Assistant professor

Dr. K L Patel
Assistant professor

Dr. A R Saundarva
Assistant professor

Mr. D B Gamit
Assistant professor

Ms. Kajal Deshmukh
Assistant professor

Dr.Shefali Zala
Assistant professor

Dr. Seema Patel
Assistant professor

Dr. M T Khan
Assistant professor

Mr. Jatin Vaghela
Assistant professor

Ms. Nazera Pathan
Assistant professor